POTS is an organization that provides food and a community lifeline to people in the Bronx. POTS believes that every person should have access to the essentials of life and the support necessary to achieve stability and ultimately self-sufficiency.
Ever since 1982, when Fr. Ned Murphy, S.J. came to Resurrection asking for help to fund a soup kitchen in the Bronx, our parish has had a very special relationship with POTS. The money raised by Resurrection in 1986 enabled Fr. Ned to buy a building to house a soup kitchen and homeless shelter.
For over 30 years, every Thanksgiving and Christmas, families of Resurrection parish and school join the people at POTS to provide a holiday feast for over 800 people at Our Lady of Refuge Grammar School in the Bronx. Our families donate all the food, prepare it, serve it and clean up after the meal.
Our students at Resurrection participate in shoes and clothing drives, collection and packaging of shower of toiletries, and fundraisers for POTS.
Congratulations to Resurrection's 6th and 7th grade classes! These amazing Resurrection students spent weeks pooling their own money to fund a huge donation of food for the 2019 POTS Thanksgiving Meal that the Resurrection Parish hosts annually in the Bronx.