Kindergarten (M – F, 7:55 – 2:30)
Kindergarten is a place where a child grows academically, socially, and spiritually. Religion is taught on a daily basis. It is taught within a religion lesson as well as throughout the day in all subject areas. Children are taught how to love and respect themselves and others. The Kindergarten experience is one of learning, excitement, and fun in a nurturing learning environment. The children develop a variety of skills throughout the year. These skills are attained through various teaching methods.
In the Kindergarten classrooms, the children learn to read using a phonics approach. The series that is used to give the children a strong foundation for learning is called Beginning to Read, Write, and Listen.
This series contains many different activities which enable the child to develop all the skills needed to learn to read. The children learn math skills using a hands-on approach. Math manipulatives are used to develop math skills. Science is also taught using a hands-on approach. The children learn about various units in science, including the solar system. Within this unit, the children learn about the planets, build a classroom rocket ship, become astronauts, and then “take off” into outer space. The classroom SmartBoard allows the children to watch a real shuttle launch.
In Social Studies, students develop a sense of community. They learn about community helpers and understand that they themselves are part of different communities. Map skills are also developed in the kindergarten classroom. The children celebrate the different holidays that are taught throughout the year.
Kindergarten students also have special subject classes, including Art, Music, Computer, Library, Physical Education, and Spanish.